Current Question
- Am I ready to answer the site's questions sincerely and unbiasedly?
- Are Armenia's problems extremely serious?
- Select a few of the most important current issues in Armenia
- Now, three and a half years after the war, do we know the terms of Armenia's surrender agreed upon on November 9/10, 2020?
- If there were conditions agreed upon, but not published on November 9/10, 2020, then they
- Do you support Archbishop Bagrat?
- If yes, what would you advise him from the list:
- If all opposition fractions of the Armenian parliament refuse their mandates, will this automatically lead to the dissolution of parliament and early elections?
- The people will join the movement of Archbishop Bagrat if they see outside support.
- Should we negotiate with Azerbaijan one-on-one, or in the presence of mediators?
- If there are mediators, which countries from the list would you suggest?
- If there are no mediators: since Armenia is required to fulfill the preconditions for signing a peace treaty, then it is necessary:
- Does Armenia have internationally recognized borders?
- Does Armenia have certain borders under its own legislation?